ARTM Chrono app
With its multitude of features, the Chrono app simplifies urban mobility.
In addition to displaying public transit schedules, Chrono integrates car-sharing networks, river shuttles, and transit card readings. The colorful routes illustrate the variety of options available for efficient travel, while also adding a playful element to the mobile app.
The depiction of characters fosters user identification, bridging the gap between the user and Chrono's functionalities.

Client : L’Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM)
Agence : Maître D et Fred Demers
Idéation et logotypeFred DemersEtienne St-Denis
Direction de création : Sylvain Vicente, Robert Young
Direction artistique : Sylvain Vicente, Robert Young
Gestion de projet : Cynthia Desjardins
Design site Web : Robert Young​​​​​​​
Normes graphiques : Sylvain Vicente, Cynthia Desjardins, Rosalie Chrétien, Julie Ha
Illustrations : Delphine Meier
Motion design : Arborescence

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