International women's day
This video was created to inspire women and men to fight alongside for women's rights. The battlefields have changed, but the struggle remains the same: We want equality for everyone! Together, let's fight to defend our rights and strengthen our achievements. Together, feminists with all our strengh!
Client: L'intersyndicale des femmes
Agency: Molotv
Motion Design: Amélie Haeck
Illustration and Art direction: Delphine Meier
1940: Women obtain the right to vote in Québec!
Illustration: Suffragettes movement around the globe
1961: First woman elected in Québec.
Illustration: Marie-Claire Kirkland.
1964: Women obtain legal and financial autonomy for married women.
2017: Movement #MeToo around the world.
Illustration: Tarana Burke, founder of #MeToo
The battlefields have changed, but the struggle remains the same:
We want equality for everyone!
We must continue to fight, against domestic and sexual violence;
and march towards pay equity and parity...
... Together, let's fight to defend our rights and strengthen our achievement.
Together, feminists with all our strengh.